We've got a data source that sends us files we need to automatically import into our system, but frequently there is bad data in them in the form of extra CRLFs inside one or two of the fields of some records. The file is a CSV format file and originally I had thought I'd fixed the problem with this:
awk 'NR%2-1{gsub(/\r?\n/, FS)} NR>1{printf RS}1' RS=\" ORS= input.csv > output.csv
which worked great for the records that had the extra CRLFs inside of quotes, but it turns out we're also getting some records that have no quotes in them which throws the awk command off.
The last field in each record is a numerical field consisting of 4-7 digits, is there some way to use that as a reference to keep the CRLF that follows that field and remove the rest?
Alternatively, is there some way to strip CRLFs by counting the fields and removing them prior to the last field in the record?
Input looks like this:
SMITH,John,,,,,,05/10/1966,,USA,USA,A 5551212,"Resides in California, USA",,,,Mill Valley,,,,,USA,"Northern District of California, USA",Individual,,,12/09/2003,18/08/2015,78452SMITH,Patty,,,,,,05/10/1974,,USA,USA,A 5551212,"Resides in Oregon, USA",,,,Portland,,,,,USA,"District of Oregon, USA",Individual,,,15/09/2002,02/02/2015,121567
The problem records look like below - note the carriage return and missing quotes:
SMITH,Bill,,,,,,05/10/1966,,USA,USA,A 5551212,"Resides in California, USA",,,,Mill Valley,,,,,USA,Northern District ofCalifornia, USA,Individual,,,12/09/2003,18/08/2015,78452
For output we need the record to be the same as the other two - all on one line:
SMITH,Bill,,,,,,05/10/1966,,USA,USA,A 5551212,"Resides in California, USA",,,,Mill Valley,,,,,USA,Northern District of California, USA,Individual,,,12/09/2003,18/08/2015,78452